Rhinocorn Rules

44.37 €
Рон - такой носорог, как никто другой. Ему не нравится жить по правилам других носорогов – другие носороги сварливы, одиноки и набросятся на все, что встанет у них на пути. Но не Рон. Рон любит музыку, искусство и хочет только веселиться. Он полон решимости прожить свою лучшую жизнь и не подстраиваться под стадо. Когда Рон раскрашивает себя в яркого единорога, все остальные животные думают, что он самое крутое животное на свете, но его семья носорогов впечатлена меньше. Научатся ли они принимать Рона таким, какой он есть на самом деле?
"Правила носорога" Мэтта Карра - вдохновляющая и забавная новая история в книжке с картинками о том, как осмелиться быть не таким, как все.
Книга на английском языке.
Illustrated by Matt Carr, this colourful picture book will teach 3 to 5-year-olds to always be themselves and make new friends, as well as some fun facts about rhinos! If you loved Supertato, Superbat and Julian is a Mermaid, come meet Ron in Rhinocorn Rules!
Ron is a rhino like no other. He doesn’t like to live by the other rhino rules – the other rhinos are grumpy, solitary and they will charge at anything that gets in their way. But not Ron. Ron likes music, art and only wants to have fun. He is determined to live his best life and not conform to the herd. When Ron paints himself into a bright unicorn, all of the other animals think he’s the coolest animal ever, but his rhino family are less impressed. Will they learn to embrace Ron for who he really is?
An uplifting and funny new picture book story about daring to be different, from the creator of Superbat.
"Правила носорога" Мэтта Карра - вдохновляющая и забавная новая история в книжке с картинками о том, как осмелиться быть не таким, как все.
Книга на английском языке.
Illustrated by Matt Carr, this colourful picture book will teach 3 to 5-year-olds to always be themselves and make new friends, as well as some fun facts about rhinos! If you loved Supertato, Superbat and Julian is a Mermaid, come meet Ron in Rhinocorn Rules!
Ron is a rhino like no other. He doesn’t like to live by the other rhino rules – the other rhinos are grumpy, solitary and they will charge at anything that gets in their way. But not Ron. Ron likes music, art and only wants to have fun. He is determined to live his best life and not conform to the herd. When Ron paints himself into a bright unicorn, all of the other animals think he’s the coolest animal ever, but his rhino family are less impressed. Will they learn to embrace Ron for who he really is?
An uplifting and funny new picture book story about daring to be different, from the creator of Superbat.